The Elite Sport Group (ESG) place equal importance on nutrition, training and recovery to attain and maintain top performance. Although many coaches place greatest emphasis on training, the correct nutrition increases the benefits and efficiency of training. We use the interplay between the training and nutrition to maximise the adaptive stimulus to make training more efficient. In practical terms this translates to faster improvements in performance, or the same training benefits with a reduced training volume. This is particularly important for athletes with limited time to train, athletes who are rehabilitating, or those want to minimise training volume to reduce injury risk.
ESG are pioneers in personalized nutrition for athletes and recognised the benefits of this approach more than 15 years ago. Over this period our nutrition programs have been used by world champions, and Olympic medalists from a wide range of athletes including swimmers, Tour De France cyclists, runners, boxers and gymnasts. ESG’s expertise in personalised nutrition for sport is internationally recognised and we were invited to present on this topic at a major nutrition conference in Geneva. Although ‘off the shelf’ nutrition programs are available for a wide variety of sports, by their very nature they are not optimised to meet each athletes specific needs. As a result they are rarely cost effective !
The nutrition approach used by ESG is fully personalised to meet each athletes needs and their progress towards targets and goals. The value of this approach was recognised by the Cervelo Test Team and ESG provided daily and individualised nutrition programs at the 2009 Tour of Italy and 2009 Tour De France. These programs were tailored according to each riders individual physiology, role within the team, daily race distance and weather.
ESG’s unique expertise in the biochemistry of food digestion, absorption and metabolism allows us to personalise nutrition programs to specifically meet your dietary needs. Our approach to personalised nutrition is based on a detailed knowledge of both foods, supplements and how the body responds to the physiological stress of training and competition. Unlike dieticians we don’t assume that because a nutrient has been consumed in the diet it has been absorbed by the body; an approach which is in fact fundamentally flawed. Our own clinical research investigations have shown that diet diaries which are commonly used to assess nutrient intake were unable to detect clinical mineral deficiencies in athletes.
“ESG’s unique expertise in the biochemistry of food digestion, absorption and metabolism, allows us to personalise nutrition programs to exactly meet your dietary needs.”
ESG’s sport nutrition programs can be based solely on conventional foods, for example when working with young athletes. We can also provide nutrition programs using a combination of foods and supplements, and our research activities in this area provide us with unique knowledge. ESG have developed award winning supplements for some of the biggest sport nutrition brands in Europe. Our nutrition programs routinely save our clients money by removing ineffective supplements from their clients diets. When we do recommend supplements, we often direct our clients to less expensive brands that provide the same or superior quality, reduce this risk of testing positive and greatly reduced cost.
Dr Robert Child heads up nutrition services at ESG and has been using dietary supplements with top level athletes for 14 years, despite this he has never had an athlete test positive. This has not occurred by chance, as the ESG specifically design its’ nutrition programs to reduce the risks of a positive to an absolute minimum. This requires detailed attention to raw ingredient sourcing and labeling; together with supplement production processes. We also make athletes aware of the risks posed by conventional foods such as meats and grains, which are less well documented but still pose a significant risk. Our expertise in sports nutrition have made us the choice for consultancy services by supplement and food testing labs, including HFL Sports Science and Quotient.
ESG use a personalized approach to sport nutrition which unlike ‘off the shelf programs’ is specifically tailored to meet each athletes individual needs. This underpins our consistent success with individual athletes such and teams such as MTN-Qhubeka, Team Geox TMC and Cervelo. ESG nutrition programs are fully integrated with your training; ensuring that you don’t waste valuable time or effort; allowing you to truly perform at your potential.